America is Manning football again, but it’s not the end of the World!

I know, I know, the topic is two weeks old. Its time to think about NBA All Stars or the Opening day! But hey, what can you expect from a multitasking mom? I am not going to talk about the shocking turnover by Giants in the 4th Quarter ( like the guys) or talk about how hot Brady is or how cute Manning is(like the girls). I loved it when the underdogs won! That’s all I am going to say about the game!
Coming back to my original point, when asked by the reporter, Burress( the guy who made the winning touchdown) made a comment about this being a World Championship! HELLO, THIS IS NOT A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Its just played mainly by the US of A. Maybe a couple of teams from Canada join in! But its not the whole world! They even commit that blasphemy in baseball, calling the finals the world championship. I am all for diversity and inclusion, but including a few people from outside USA does not make it a world championship. That would make the European Football League a world championship too.
The idea of seeing the world with a set of blinders is not opening up to globalization. A well-travelled American has only visited Canada and Cancun in Mexico. Maybe Paris with its Disney Land. One of my co-workers had sent me a mail longtime back( I have lost it now) about what constitutes the world for Americans. Canada to the north and Mexico to the South, Paris Disney Land to the East and Hawaii to the west. I am not stereotyping here but am talking about the average American. I have friends who are well travelled, know the world cuisines and know the diverse cultures. But for that average American, here are a few things to know before meeting the aliens who are out of your world!

  1. Curry is not a spice but gravy.
  2. Sushi is not hip and happening.
  3. Europe has other places to visit than the Disney land in France.
  4. Football (as in soccer) came way before your version of the football.
  5. Islam is not the only religion apart from Christianity.
  6. My black hair does not give you the opportunity to speak Espanol with me.
  7. I can eat chicken and fish but I might not eat beef or pork.
  8. Not every Orient is a Chinese.
  9. And yes I can speak English; in fact the Queen’s own way.
  10. And finally, not every turban-wearing guy is a terrorist.

Its tough to be inclusive, but isn’t it a good thing to be assimilated in the melting bowl for the sake of fine taste. That’s what your forefathers did and that’s what I am trying to do now. So embrace my Diwali diyas just as I have embraced your holiday lighting.Let me end with the Wal-Mart Smiley, which we all can love, or hate.

1 have something to add:

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Am I the Kiss of Death or what? Find a blog I like and bingo, all posts stop.

Arise, awake, etc.
